We took a walk today, and I couldn't resist taking pictures with my cell phone of the cutest baby in the world all bundled up in his bunny bunting suit in his stroller!
food, friends, family, travel, music, books.... my musings on everyday life
In a medium bowl, place pasta sauce, mushrooms, cottage cheese, egg, parsley and oregano. Stir until well blended.
Spray 3 qt rectangular casserole dish.
Wash new potatoes and carrots. Peel and slice 1/8th thick. Place carrots in microwave bowl and cook 2.5 minutes.
Arrange 1st layer of potatoes overlapping edges in prepared casserole dish. Sprinkle with 1/4 cup diced onions, salt and pepper. Spread 1/2 pasta and cheese sauce over potato layer. Spread layer of 1/2 the swiss cheese.
Repeat potato layer over pasta and cheese sauce. Top with 1/2 of carrots, 1/4 cup onions, and salt and pepper. Arrange balance of potatoes and carrots on top with pasta and cheese sauce. Top with onion ringlets and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, rest of swiss cheese and olives.
Cover with foil and bake 40 minutes at 450 degrees. Remove cover and brown top for 7 minutes, or longer. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.
Number of Servings: 6
Notes from Nicci: We didn't use the mushrooms or olives because I don't like them and my hubby is VERY sweet and accommodating of my various food issues.... I don't think it was lacking in any way leaving these out. Next time I may pre-cook the potatoes a min or two in the microwave like the carrots, I thought they could've used a tad more cooking. And I think I'd get a bit more potatoes as well. It was hard to cut them 1/8 inch thick so I probably cut them more like 1/4 inch think, and I sort of ran out for the third layer. Again, this didn't make a difference, but I know for next time. And there will be a next time!
Also, it was so SO GOOD that we each ate more than we should have (given the amount of cheese in it) and I'd say more like number of servings is 4. Make extra if you have company! Great paired with homemade bread!
Tweaked a bit from a recipe found on Betterrecipes.com
I miss the Nields. I've been listening to their albums a lot lately.. the kid ones at work and the adult ones in my car. But I miss seeing them live, hearing their banter and harmony firsthand. I hope they come to my area someday, or that they're playing PA when I'm visiting sometime....
For now I'll have to be content with YouTube.
You've always been a good girl, smart girl, pretty girl, lucky girl,
happy as the day is long.
You've always been a good girl, smart girl, pretty girl, lucky girl,
happy as the day is long.
This town has so much at stake in you
Do you have any idea what they put you through?
They tell you you will go far, a little star, how I wonder what you are
When I watch you wearing their jewels
They want you to have long hair, short skirts, clear skin, nothing hurts
Following their every rule.
But why don't you make the rules?
Why don't you make the rules?
Angela, this town is wrong
Angela, this town is wrong
So now it's so sad to see you this way
I call but you never have time to play
They gave you all these big dreams, big plans, beneficial programs
A studio with mirrors for walls
Your doctors tell you work it through, smooth it out, feel your pain, let it out
They never let you learn how to crawl
They never let you make the rules
Why don't you make the rules?
Angela, this town is wrong
Angela, this town is wrong
Angela spread your wings and be gone.
It's midnight, your light's on and I'm standing here in your yard
I sold my computer for a used acoustic guitar
You only need your toothbrush, fifty bucks, that velvet shirt that brings you luck
The voice that's your mother's investment
By morning we'll be long gone, on the run, city bound, I know someone
I'm sure we could stay in her apartment
And then we'll make the rules
And then we'll make the rules
Angela, this town is wrong
Angela, this town is wrong
Angela spread your wings and be
Angela spread your wings and be
Angela spread your wings and be gone.
© 1999 Nerissa Nields, Peter Quince Productions (ASCAP)